Friday, June 26, 2015

Yoshitsune Minamoto Anecdote2

Yoshitsune learned fencing from a long-nosed goblin(Tengu)

There is no official record in the trend of Yoshitsune in the Kurama mountain.

However, many anecdotes are written in the programs of "a description of Yoshitsune(Gikeiki)" and the ability.

It is the story that learned fencing from a long-nosed goblin to be particularly famous.

The Buddhist priest of the Kurama mountain came over to the party of the flower viewing with children taking part in a festive procession.

An unknown Buddhist monk comes over there.

Buddhist priests thought of the attendance with this Buddhist monk unpleasantly.

And they left one child taking part in a festive procession and have returned.

He talk to a Buddhist monk from the child taking part in a festive procession when he feel a child taking part in a festive procession whom a Buddhist monk was left for that he feel sorry.

This child taking part in a festive procession was Yoshitsune Minamoto.

The Kurama mountain was the place that children of Heike could leave with ascetic practices in those days.

When oneself who is a child of Genji is looked back upon to nobody, Yoshitsune Minamoto grieves.

The Buddhist monk sympathized with him and guided the Kurama mountain to Yoshitsune Minamoto and showed the famous place of the neighborhood and cheered it up.

And when a Buddhist monk is a great long-nosed goblin living in this Kurama mountain, he reveal it and promise it when he cooperate if time to defeat Heike comes to Yoshitsune.

The Buddhist monk told martial arts and martial arts to Yoshitsune afterwards.

As for Yoshitsune Minamoto, what is the real nature of the long-nosed goblin of the Kurama mountain where he initiated into martial arts?

It is thought that this talk that Yoshitsune Minamoto learned fencing and martial arts from a long-nosed goblin in the mountains of the Kurama mountain is creation.

However, he perform martial arts and ascetic practices of the fencing in a Kurama mountain, and it seems to have to be it to have hardened will to overthrow Heike.

Even if it may be the Buddhist priest of the Kurama temple which had dissatisfaction in opinion and Heike which put on the mask of the long-nosed goblin because a subordinate of the justice morning that is father of Yoshitsune hides himself, the real nature of the long-nosed goblin is said to be it.

Originally Yoshitsune Minamoto was going to be made to become a priest after having been able to leave it with the Kurama mountain.

He learned study such as Buddhism or Confucianism to become a Buddhist priest and when it was night, he passed through the temple secretly and seemed to work hard at military arts in the daytime.

★Minamoto no Yoshitsune over DVD-box 2-Disc Edition★

★DVD < note: translation with sale > ◆ NHK Taiga drama Yoshitsune < unfinished 7 volume set >★