Thursday, February 12, 2015

Northern and Southern Courts

It is called Period of Northern and Southern Courts around the 14th century.

Emperor Godaigo pushed in Takauji slipped out of Kyoto, seeing spare time, moved to Yoshino (Nara), and appointed the Imperial Palace.

As a result, the Emperor (Southern Dynasty) of Yoshino, the Emperor (Northern Dynasty) of Kyoto which Takauji built, and two Emperor were able to do it.

Two Emperor continued fighting for about 60 years.
This era is call with Period of Northern and Southern Courts.
But actually,it is not the battle between two Emperor called the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Dynasty.

In other words,It was a battle of the new power in which the old power and samurai government led by the Emperor that it will return to Imperial Court politics are promoted.

Ashikaga Takauji was a Shogun in 1338, and the Shogunate was opened.
And the Shogunate developed force.
Contrary to it,Nitta Yoshisada and Kitabatake Akiie have been killed in a battle one after another at a way of the Southern Court.
Emperor Godaigo also passed away in Yoshino and the Southern Dynasty declined.

The samurai and Shugo increased force under cover of a fight of the north and south Dynasty.

Ashikaga thought it was reconciled with the Southern Court to suppress a warrior and Syugo.
Reconciliation of the Northern and Southern Dynasties was materialized in 1392.