Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ieyasu Tokugawa

Ieyasu Tokugawa, warlords through Azuchi Momoyama period from the Sengoku period.
It is said one of the Sengoku Period of the three heroes.

Ieyasu was born as the Mikawa country Okazaki lord of a castle, the eldest son of Hirotada Matsudaira in 1542.
Ieyasu spent it as a hostage of Yoshimoto Imagawa of the Odas and Suruga country of the Owari country from about 1547.
Ieyasu became the Matsudairas present head of a household while being in Sunpu by death of Hirotada Matsudaira of father in 1549.

Ieyasu played an active part in the visit to the capital war of Yoshimoto Imagawa as a van.
He entered a fortress triggered by Yoshimoto Imagawa having been defeated by a war of the pail interval by Nobunaga Oda in Okazaki Castle of the hometown.
He was opposed to the Odas of the Owari country afterwards.

It was just and subjugated the hostility power such as the earnestness riots of the Mikawa country these days.
Ieyasu changed his name to Tokugawa from Matsudaira

Ieyasu attacked the Imagawas and, in league with Shingen Takeda of the worth country, got most of Totoumi countries.

An alliance was canceled one-sidedly by Shingen Takeda.

For defense reinforcement to Takeda, Ieyasu moved a base castle in a Hikuma castle (Hamamatsu Castle) of the Totoumi country.

He went to the Yoshikage Asakura attack of the Echizen country,But Ieyasu retired because Nagamasa Asai betrayed him.
By the war of Anegawa, Ieyasu made success such as saving a crisis of Nobunaga Oda.

In a visit to the capital war road of Shingen Takeda of the longtime powerful enemy worth country, Ieyasu was soundly beaten by a war of Mikatagahara.

Because Shingen Takeda died of an illness, Ieyasu evaded a crisis.

The Nagashino Castle of northern part of Mikawa country was attacked by Katsuyori Takeda, but broke it by a war of Nagashino of the cooperation of Nobunaga.

Ieyasu recaptured Takatenjin Castle of the Totoumi country which he was robbed of by Katsuyori Takeda an attack.

Ieyasu participated for a Katsuyori Takeda attack according to Nobunaga Oda.
Nobunaga had slaying death by Honnoji-Temple Incident.


Ieyasu sent second son, Gigimaru (Hideyasu Yuki (Hideyasu Hashiba)) into an adopted child of Hideyoshi.
Ieyasu refused a visit to the capital order from Hashiba (Toyotomi) Hideyoshi afterwards.

Hashiba (Toyotomi) Hideyoshi became a Kampaku.

Ieyasu was married Asahihime sister of Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi sent his mother into Okazaki Castle of Ieyasu.
By a substantial hostage plan of this Hideyoshi, inquiry had the honor of being you in Osaka Castle and became a subject of Hideyoshi Toyotomi.

Ieyasu played an active part in the later Toyotomi political power as the first on the list of five senior Ministers.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi died in 1598.

After the death of Hideyoshi , Ieyasu was done the marriage of feudal lords who each other was prohibited.
Because Ieyasu received impeachment from Toshiie Maeda and Mitsunari Ishida and others, about this, he was opposed.
Toshiie Maeda who fought against each other died of illness.

Ieyasu entered a fortress to Fushimi Castle and performed state affairs.

There was the Ieyasu assassination attempt case by Toshinaga Maeda and others.

Ieyasu planned a Maeda attack of the Kaga country, but solved it because mother of Toshinaga Maeda, the House of Matsu went down as a hostage in the Edo.
 (As a result, the Maeda became the subordinate of the Tokugawa)

On the pretext of a rebellion of Kagekatsu Uesugi, Ieyasu went to the Aizu attack with many generals.
Ieyasu became victory, a one who reigns over the whole country by a war of Sekigahara in the west military.

Ieyasu opened the Shogunate in the Musashi country Edo and became a commander-in-chief.

Ieyasu handed over post of commander-in-chief to Hidetada Tokugawa and became a Leading figure

It changed from Edo-jo Castle to Suruga country Sunpu-jo Castle.

Ieyasu gave Christianity ban.

the Siege of Osaka in Winter.

Ieyasu destroyed Hideyori Toyotomi an attack at the Siege of Osaka in summer.

Ieyasu died.(It's said to be death by natural death or food poisoning.)

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