Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Heian period

It was called Heian period until around 12 the end of century from about 8 the end of century.
About 390 years after Emperor Kammu moves a capital to Heiankyo (Kyoto) in 794 until the Kamakura shogunate is materialized are pointed out.
Since Heiankyo set to Kyoto was the only center politically until the Kamakura shogunate was materialized, the Heian period is called.

The centralized government based on the ritsuryo legal codes from the Nara period was fundamentally inherited the first half of Heian, though a partial correction was added.

But the system of the ritsuryo legal codes and actual deviation became large.
In order that the government may secure tax revenues from the end of the 9th century at the beginning time of the 10th century, the rule organization classified by person which was the foundations of the system of the ritsuryo legal codes was changed.
The change of policy was greatly carried out to the rule organization which imposes a tax for land.

The military class of nobles and the low-class public servant layer where was specialized in military arts where military police authority was transferred by the nation also grew up as a samurai.

Politics was steady in a central political world because of the reduction of an excessive load of the transfer of a national authority and centralization by this.

Saicho returns Japan and opens the Tendai Buddhist Denomination in 805.
Kukai returns Japan and tells Shingonshu in 806.
The last official envoy to Tang left for Tang in 838.
"Tale of Genji" by Shikibu Murasaki in 1011.